How do I access full-text/entire articles in PubMed?


PubMed is not designed to provide entire articles. It will provide links to some full articles, but most require payment to view.

To find full-text articles, start with the library’s biology research guide at Then choose “MEDLINE with Full Text.” PubMed and MEDLINE are the same thing with different names. “MEDLINE with Full Text” has all the same content as PubMed and MEDLINE, plus link to full articles from several hundred journals. You can limit a search to full articles by clicking on the “Full Text”option below the search box.

There is brief guide to searching MEDLINE at

If you prefer to continue using PubMed, there is a way to view a small number of full articles. To do so, click on the “Advanced Search” link that follows the basic search box. Before you enter your search, click on the “Links to free full text” option below the search boxes. This will provide results from journals that are free on the Internet. Most of them will be older journals (published at least one year ago).

  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2020
  • Views 166
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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