Buying a hybrid car

I need to do a formal research report for my Business Communication class and the topic is "Buying a hybrid car." How do I research for this using scholarly resources?


I recommend you begin your research with the library’s General Business Resources research guide. From the library homepage click on the dark grey RESEARCH GUIDES tab >>> expand BUSINESS >>>BUSINESS research guide.

The Business guide lists a number of databases that are good for business research. I recommend you begin with one of the first two on the list ABI/INFORM Complete or Business Source Complete. In either database you will see search boxes to enter your search terms. Try searching using some of the following terms:

Hybrid cars
Hybrid vehicles
Hybrid electric vehicles
Energy consumption
Environmental aspects

Make sure you check the checkboxes for Full Text and Scholarly/Peer Reviewed Sources.

You may also be interested in a Consumer Reports guide to hybrid vehicles. However, this is not considered a scholarly source. If you would like to search Consumer Reports, choose the Journals tab from the library homepage. Type Consumer Reports into the search box. Under the Consumer Reports heading choose the link for ABI/INFORM Complete. Now enter Hybrid Vehicles or Hybrid Cars into the search box. Your results will be buyer’s guide information on hybrid cars from Consumer Reports.


  • Last Updated Jun 05, 2020
  • Views 115
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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