I'm doing a persuasive speech on legalizing gambling in Texas for COMM 1306 Beginning Public Speaking.
I have a few database suggestions to help you with your research topic.
Go to the library homepage http://www.uhd.edu/library/ and click on the gray Databases tab in the middle of the screen. From the A-Z list, click on "T" then locate "Texas Reference Center" in the database list. Or click on the Academic Search Complete or Business Source Complete links. Try using these search terms: gambling AND legalize.
The Texas Reference Center will give you articles specific to Texas. You can add “Texas” as a search term to the other databases, but it may be helpful to look at articles on legalized gambling in general to see the pros and cons of how it has affected other areas.
I also suggest you look through the articles in the Opposing Viewpoints database. Choose Opposing Viewpoints from the A-Z list in the Databases tab. Type “gambling” into the search box once in the database. You will see articles written from both sides of the issue.