I am doing an informative speech on various expressive therapy for trauma victims.
A good place to start research on topics about therapy and psychology is our research guide for psychology found here: http://library.uhd.edu/psychology or by starting at our homepage at www.uhd.edu/library and selecting the DATABASES tab from the search box in the center of the screen, click the Databases By Subject link, and choose Psychology. You can try searching any of the databases listed; I started with Academic Search Complete.
I had more success using PTSD as a search term than I did Trauma. Try searching:
Expressive Therapy
Expressive Therapy AND PTSD
Art Therapy AND PTSD
If you look to the column on the left side of the results page you will see different ways to limit your results. If you click on Subjects, you may find some terms useful to your search.
Another way to search is by using LibSearch – a tool that helps you search many databases, eBooks, and the catalog in one search. From the search box on the library’s homepage www.uhd.edu/library, I searched the term “expressive therapy” (include the quotation marks) AND trauma.