I am looking for resources about the benefits of music therapy in school.

I am looking for various evidences that prove that music therapy in school is an effective way to promote wellness, manage anxiety, alleviate hurt, express feelings, enhance retention, improve communication, and encourage physical recovery.


To find more on music therapy in education, I suggest you search the psychology databases. Go to the Library home page (https://www.uhd.edu/library/). To the left of the search box in the center of the page click on the DATABASES tab. Select DATABASES BY SUBJECT>>>PSYCHOLOGY. On the next screen you will see the Psychology research guide (http://library.uhd.edu/psychology), try first the PsycInfo database.

Once in the database, in the search box enter: “music therapy” AND education. Scroll down to the AGE GROUPS drop-down menu and choose the appropriate age. If you use the CTRL button you can highlight two or more options simultaneously. I retrieved more than 80 articles, many of them seem relevant to the topic of your research. Use the same technique to search other databases listed in the Psychology research guide.

  • Last Updated Jul 06, 2020
  • Views 78
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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