I am looking for resources about the benefits of music therapy in school.
To find more on music therapy in education, I suggest you search the psychology databases. Go to the Library home page (https://www.uhd.edu/library/). To the left of the search box in the center of the page click on the DATABASES tab. Select DATABASES BY SUBJECT>>>PSYCHOLOGY. On the next screen you will see the Psychology research guide (http://library.uhd.edu/psychology), try first the PsycInfo database.
Once in the database, in the search box enter: “music therapy” AND education. Scroll down to the AGE GROUPS drop-down menu and choose the appropriate age. If you use the CTRL button you can highlight two or more options simultaneously. I retrieved more than 80 articles, many of them seem relevant to the topic of your research. Use the same technique to search other databases listed in the Psychology research guide.