How can I find the headlines from the New York Times on August 19, 1981 through 2011.


There’s no quick and easy way to get the headlines using resources we have available. Start out by choosing the gray Databases tab from the library’s home page ( Type in “New York Times” in the search box. Then choose the Historical Newspapers: New York Times option that covers through 2007.

Use the advanced search to narrow it down to New York Times (Publication title), document type – Front Page/Cover Story and use an exact date. This came up with 8 articles for 08/19/1981 (my test case). Once you have this list, click on the PDF Full Text option for any one of the articles. Then click on the “Page View – PDF” link at the top, which will show you an image of the whole page the article appeared on (in this case, the front page). For August 19, 1981, it doesn’t look like any particular one article was emphasized as THE cover story, so you’ll have to pick which one you want to use. This method will work through the year 2007.

After that, this database does not include PDF images of the articles or pages, and using the Front Page/Cover Story limiter no longer works, either. Instead, at the top you’ll want to set your search as follows:

New York times in Publication Title — PUB
A.1 in PAGE

And continue to limit by date.

You will get a list of the articles that appeared on the front page, but you’ll only be able to get them in HTML Full Text, and there is no page image to help you determine which might have been emphasized as the top story.

I don’t know of a free resource to get the PDF images for 2008-present.


  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2020
  • Views 55
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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